Our Jodel D113-3 was built in 1981 by the Swedish Bengt Martinsson and was ferried by us from Hatuna (near Stockholm) to Landshut on May 11/12, 2024. The plane should have ended up as a parts dispenser - we couldn't face leaving it behind.
Facts & Figures
A Swede moves to Bavaria
Year of manufacture
Power (hp)
Fuel capacity
Joined the family in
Jodel D113-3
Continental O-200A
100 PS
Frisk Handmade in Sweden
615 kg
100 ltr
EDML Landshut
Mai 2024
"If he doesn't have a story, just give him one!"
Neither Barnstormers nor Planecheck told us about this airplane. A Swedish friend knew about Teresa's efforts to find a small and affordable tailwheel airplane and forwarded her a photo of this Jodel by chance. In retrospect, we found out that there had been several interested parties for the plane - but no one really fitted in. It would have met the same destiny as many other airplanes - to be used as a parts dispenser.
After some initial doubts from Chris, the wife was right and we were off to Sweden. That same weekend we flew to wintry Stockholm, checked the documents and condition and immediately put our hands on it.
The Jodel with the funny registration SE-XDO was given a new annual, a new permit and a mag check before we were able to transfer it from Hatuna (Sweden) to its new home in Landshut (EDML) in May.
You can find out more about the ferry flight in our article "A Yodel moves to Bavaria".